Sunday, January 20, 2008

All About Forex and Currency Trading System

The Forex Currency Trading System is a system that most people are just beginning to learn about. Many people want to learn forex online currency trading but they do not know where to begin! Forex brings a new meaning to the word investing! You can use the forex to be your ultimate work from home based business. Why does someone want to learn forex online currency trading? Well probably because they heard that it is one of the fastest ways to make money on the internet today. I believe that this method to make money is faster than affiliate programs, network marketing, selling on eBay, and possibly even faster than many other ways as well. So how can you capitalize on all of this action and learn all about forex and currency trading? I will share with you some of the basics here in this article.

The Forex is a 1.5 trillion dollar industry each and every day. When someone travels out of a country and into another country with different currencies, most of the time they will have to exchange their currency at hand into the countries currency that they have come in to. For example when I traveled to Italy in 2000 from the United States, I had to exchange U.S. Dollars to the Lire, which is now considered to be a part of the Euro Dollar. When I changed my money, I had to take a lesser value to get the other countries currency. Banks, like Bank of America, make money with the Forex each and every day. They make money on the difference between the bid and ask price, which is the buy and sell price. In the Forex, there are many different ways to make money; the one way I will emphasize on is the Spot Market.

To begin trading the spot market you have to sign up with a forex broker. One of the best forex brokers I know of is They have excellent customer service, and a great software and easy to use software. The trading desk is very helpful and always able to reach from a contact number. So you can choose which forex broker you want to use, it is really up to you. Then you have to learn your basics. The basics consist of learning the fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. If you do not learn these two then you will never truly learn how to trade the forex market. Fundamental analysis has to do with knowing a countries economic position, such as housing, prices of goods, job markets and much more. Technical analysis has a lot to do with understanding the graphs. Learning how to interpret different graphs to fully be able to understand a trend and which way a currency is forecasted to go in the near term, and long term.

There are many different ways to start, but I would suggest you start by reading about candlesticks by the author Steve Nison. Steve Nison explains Candlestick trading very well. Once you master candlesticks, I emphasize on learning about exponential moving averages, which I use on a daily basis, to find my profitable trades. My forex currency trading system consists of visiting and on a daily basis. Once I read my fundamental analysis I move on to technical analysis and setting up my charts with for free! Then I find my pivot points and if you do not know what pivot points are you should really read about Peter Bain. Then I find my target and I follow my plan. If you are just getting started with Forex Currency Trading, you might want some help getting started. You can visit my website for more free information and if you have any questions feel free to contact me!

What A Forex Broker Does

Even if you have bought and sold homes before, you probably would not want to do it without the help of a licensed real estate broker. The housing market is constantly changing, and you want someone that understands where that market is headed. The added expertise in the field gives you a competitive edge over the rest. The same is true when dealing the FOREX market. A FOREX broker can be a source of information and strength in your trading endeavors. Even seasoned traders, rely heavily on the help of FOREX brokers. Trading is risky business, and your broker can be there to help ease some of the risk off of your plate.

The trading decisions are still ultimately up to you, but having a broker allows you to work quicker and more efficiently. Utilizing your brokers system can mean quicker trades 24-hours a day. It is like having someone work for you while you are away on vacation, or even working a full time job. Don’t underestimate the value of a reassuring knowledgeable voice on the other end of the phone. With all the technology available, it still does not give you that personal guiding hand in the process.

Technology and your FOREX Broker

Many people believe that the FOREX Broker is a dying breed. With all of the technological advances in field, many individuals now rely heavily on computers and see no need for a broker. I would caution this line of thinking, however. If you want the convenience of an online system but the security of having someone there to answer your questions, find a brokerage firm that does both. Most FOREX brokers understand the need for 24-hour access, and have online portfolios and trading available to their customers. When you have a tough questions or problem, you will be glad you kept your broker around.

Top broker benefits

FOREX brokers vary greatly depending on the size of their firms. You don’t necessarily have to go with one of the leaders to have a good trading experience, however. You will want to look for a broker firm that offers real-time access, price certainty, competitive pricing, and competitive spreads.

Generally speaking, the bigger the FOREX broker firm, the better their spreads and prices will be. They have more pull in the market and are able to negotiate prices better. Weigh all the benefits and downfalls to each firm to ensure an educated decision. A good price does not always mean the best broker, so choose wisely.

Choosing a Broker

There are certain questions that you will want to ask to your prospective FOREX broker. Such questions include:

1. What is the spread? (Hint: The lower the spread the more money you make!) a. The spread is calculated in “pips” and is the difference between the price at which a currency can be purchased and the price at which it can be sold. Simply put, your broker has to make money. That’s how they stay in business. Unlike traditional stock trading where brokers charge commissions, FOREX brokers make money off the spread. The lower the spread the more profit that there is for you.

2. What are your credentials? (Hint: There are certain affiliations you should look for.) a. Most large brokerage firms are connected in some way to a bank or financial institution. Since the majority of their business is based on credit, this is a very important partnership. Their affiliation offers you the opportunity to invest thousands more than you could with smaller firms. It is also recommended that your chosen FOREX broker be registered with Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Refer to your broker’s website or call directly to find out if they have such affiliations.

3. What tools are available to help me learn more? (Hint: Not all broker firms are created equal. Find out who offers the best resources and information to help you make the smartest trading decisions.) a. This is a critical question to ask. It is one thing to fulfill your trade requirements, but a FOREX broker needs to also provide you with educational tools. Ask what kind of tools they offer for their clients. A good company should offer real-time charts, technical analysis tools, real-time news and data, and software or website support. Be weary of any company that refuses to share information or trial versions before opening up an account. You will want to try out their system before you choose to invest money in it. Many offer test accounts that allow you to “play” the market without actually investing any capital.
4. What is your leverage? (Hint: This is the determining factor on how much money you are able to make with each investment.) a. Leverage is the key factor to your success. As discussed earlier, the FOREX market runs mostly on credit. Your FOREX broker is able to supply you with a different margin depending on their size and your needs. The higher the margin the more money you can possibly make. If you are limited on funds, finding a high margin FOREX broker is top priority. If you have the capital already, you may decide that a lower margin is a smart choice for higher risk transactions and vice versa.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Forex Profiting With Forex Managed Accounts

Forex is currently one of the most liquid markets in the world, helping a lot of people to make incredible profits and offering the perfect trading experience anyone should benefit from. The introduction of Forex trading on the Internet has opened new possibilities for many investors, interested in trading various currencies and certainly deriving a profit from that.

Today, if you want to see how things go on the Forex market and check out various exchange rates you go on the Internet. And what is most importantly, online you can receive important assistance from specialized companies. They can help you learn the secrets of Forex trading, showing you what is there to know about Forex Managed Accounts. These accounts are offered so as to make your trading experience a whole lot easier and certainly much more profitable.
Forex managed accounts represent in fact live forex accounts which are funded by an investor and then traded by a company or a specialists in the business. As an investor, the advantage comes in the form of a beneficial rate of return, without having to worry about the trading part. And that is actually more than great. There are many people looking to be a part of that immense trading market, probably one of the biggest ones in the world. As a consequence,

Forex Managed Accounts have become even more popular in the past few years. Given the fact that a specialist is taking care of your account, you do not have any major concerns. Your profits will certainly increase and you will certainly be satisfied with having taken that decision.

It must be understood that forex trading is not something that can be done by anyone, just like that. It requires a great of knowledge in the field, not to mention an extreme amount of patience and dedication. Forex Managed Accounts represent probably the best choice for anyone interested in forex trading; the return rate varies depending on the account chosen, but the promised percents vary somewhere between 5% to 20%. Those percents can give your company or firm unbelievable profits so make sure you go online and find all about forex trading. The constant rate of growth that you are provided with is an amazing advantage of forex trading, especially as you do not have to spend any time or effort whatsoever. You let someone else manage your account for you, no matter if that requires a small percentage to be paid to the company or firm handling your account.

The potential of trading currency on the forex market is beyond understanding. This is why you need to resort to the services of specialized companies and request their assistance. With Forex Managed Accounts, you ensure your presence on the liquid market that forex is and you also ensure your steady profits. A true specialist knows how to avoid major losses and focuses on obtaining you constant profits. They don’t reach for the sky and they try to manage your forex account as professional as possible.

And if you want to know what options you have when it comes to Forex Managed Accounts, then you should be aware that they can be traded both manually and with the help of an automated trading bot. Each kind of trading offers certain advantages, advantages that are extremely well known by specialists in the field. Still, given the fact that there are an incredible number of forex accounts out there, a lot of these professional prefer to deal with automated software. The computer software deals with a special set of rules, regarding the money trading system and also allowing for better money management. Including a wide variety of programming languages, it can provide easier handling of forex managed accounts.

If you are new at forex trading, then you certainly have the right to ask yourself what are my chances for Forex Profiting. Well, if you let yourself in the hand of an experienced trader, then those chances are high. There is a lot of winning potential for foreign exchange trading and you too can be one of those many people engaged in such types of investment. Forex Profiting is in fact a favorable blend between circumstances, including your decision to go for Forex Managed Accounts. That person handling all of your accounts will be able to explain to you all about Forex Profiting and the most popular strategies that investors currently implement. With that help and other resources offered, you will achieve Forex Profiting in no time.
Forex trading isn't easy and you wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards on offer but its not hard either - if you get the right forex education. If you look at the questions below and answer them correctly yes or no, you are learning forex trading the correct way and likely to be successful.

10 Questions you must answer NO to below:

1. I believe the more knowledge I acquire and the harder I work the more successful I will be.

2. Complicated systems are more likely to successful than simple ones.

3. The more news stories I study and trade the more chance I have of making money.

4. Day trading is a great way to make money.

5. Markets move to a scientific theory because human nature never changes.

6. You never go broke banking a profit.

7. You need to predict markets in advance to win at forex.

8. I can buy an e-book from a guru and just follow it they know best.

9. If I am always in the market the better my chances of success as I wont miss a move.

10. Buy low and sell high is a great way of making money.

If you agree with any of the above statements you will lose money.

They are all common forex myths believed by the 95% of traders who lose money.

If you answered no congratulations - you're learning forex trading the right way.

Now - here are 10 questions you should answer YES to.

1. I know that success comes from within and no one else can give it to me.

2. If I devise my own trading strategy I will acquire confidence and discipline.

3. Simple systems work best as they are more robust than complicated ones.

4. Forex trading is not a game of science it's a game of odds.

5. I need to run the long term trends to make money all short term.

6. All short term daily volatility is random and is un-tradable.

7. I don't predict market moves I simply respond to the reality of price changes.

8. I buy markets when they break to new highs because most big moves start from new market highs NOT market lows.

9. I trade infrequently and only trade high odds set ups.

10. I don't need to acquire lots of knowledge just the right knowledge then I am done.

Did you answer yes to the above questions? - then well done! Your learning the right forex education.
Now if you have got them all right so far, here is one final question to determine if you are likely to be a winner:

My trading edge is ( defined)

If you don't know what your trading edge is - you don't have one!

Your trading edge is the reason you will succeed and the vast majority fail.

Forex trading is all about getting the right forex education, ignoring the myths and focusing on the right information.

You need to build a system you can have confidence in which will give you the discipline to trade for long term success through inevitable losing periods.

The rewards of trading forex are immense and the amount of money you can earn can be life changing and if you get the right forex education you can enjoy long term currency trading success.

If you have the desire to be a winner and can accept you are responsible for your own destiny then the vast rewards of forex trading await you.

Forex Trading--Becoming A Pro trader And Live The Deam

Many new forex traders see the huge profit potential that forex trading offers and dream of becoming financially independent and building long term wealth - no more boss, lots of free time and wealth. Anyone can do it but they have to be aware of a few points and there listed below.
The first point to stress is that anyone can learn to trade and be successful but it's a fact that 95% of traders lose. This may sound paradoxical and it is but becomes clearer with some explanation.

Forex traders who lose have the following traits:

1. They shoot from the hip without learning the basics
2. They get the wrong forex education
3. They have the wrong mindset to succeed.

Point 1 is pretty obvious and a huge number of traders think it's easy and lose their equity.

Point 2 obviously means you have to get education but you need the right education and point 3 means you have to get the right mindset to apply your education.

Forex trading is not just getting the right information but knowing how to apply it correctly.

Let's examine this combination more closely.

When you trade forex you don't just take on the market you take on yourself and your emotions. You need a sound logical method but you need to have rock solid confidence in it to apply it through periods of losses and aim for long term currency trading success.

If you can't apply a method with discipline then you really have no method at all and your forex trading system will cease to exist.

Successful forex trading is based upon:
Simple logical method + Understanding = Confidence = Discipline = Success

In forex trading simple methods work best and the most time efficient way to learn is to use
forex charts and technical analysis. You need to acquire confidence in your system and then you will have discipline. Now let me tell you a story...

In 1983 legendary trader Richard Dennis taught a group of 14 people who had never traded before to trade and in 14 days he had them ready to trade real money. These people were of all ages, both sexes and had various levels of education.

The result?

They made $100 million in 4 years and went on to become some of the most successful traders of all time.

Dennis taught them the method but he taught them to apply it in their own way with discipline - he knew the method was not easy to apply and several of this group have commented on this in interviews. The method was easy to learn but the discipline required relied on the confidence they had acquired.

I am not saying you will become as successful as this group, life simply isn't like that but it does show you it's possible for anyone to become a successful trader and is an inspirational story for any new trader when devising a forex strategy for profit.

So why is discipline so hard to achieve?

Most people are followers not leaders and cannot accept responsibility for their actions. Furthermore, their used to operating in a structured environment and following rules whereas in the currency markets your in an unstructured market where you have to live by your own rules.

A method however can be learned confidence obtained and discipline can be a trait any trader can make - but it requires you do your homework and learn to apply what you have learned.

Anyone has the potential to live the dream and build wealth and forex markets represent the final frontier of the free market economy, its not easy ( and you wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards on offer ) but for the amount of time you have to put in to learning currency trading the right way the rewards are immense and you can do it if, you have a burning desire to succeed.

The real question is:

Do you like a challenge and are you prepared to do what's necessary to succeed?

If you are - welcome to the world of online forex trading and the opportunity for currency trading success and the possibility to live the dream, of becoming a professional forex trader from home.

Forex Investing At The Right Time And The 10 AM Rule And How It Works

Sometimes it`s wise not to be the early bird when investing in forex, instead wait and see what the day will bring before you take action. The 10 A.M. rule is a great example of this concept, and is an example that protects your capital. Let`s say you want to buy a forex stock, for whatever reason; a trend play, or a market rally that you think a currently hot sector will participate in. You know that a great time to buy would be on a gap down, but the market is in rally mode and instead of gapping down, the forex stock gaps up. But buying the gap up is a bad trade. Now what do you do?

You use the 10 A.M. rule, and wait until after 10 A.M. for the right forex stock investing time to buy the stock. If the forex stock makes a new high for the day after 10 A.M., then, and only then, should you trade the stock. Of course, you will use stops to protect yourself, like you would on any trade.

Anyone who`s followed the market knows that a forex stock will often gap up early in the morning, only to suddenly sell off and reverse into negative territory. By following the 10 A.M. rule, you avoid the risk of this sudden reversal. If the forex stock does make it to a new high after 10 A.M., there is still trader interest in the forex stock, and it stands a good chance of gaining momentum and heading even higher.

Here is an example of the 10 A.M. rule on a gap up: A forex stock closes the day at $145. After hours, the company announces a two for one forex stock split. The next morning the forex stocks gaps up to open at $161. It trades as high as $166 before 10 A.M. For two hours after 10 A.M. it trades lower and doesn`t reach $166. At 2 P.M., it hits $166.50. The forex stock is now safe to buy, using the 10 A.M. rule.

Using a version of the 10 A.M. rule, you could watch for a hot sector to appear in the morning and follow the forex stocks in the sector that are up for the day. If the forex stocks are still making new highs at midday, they stand a good chance of finishing the day near their ultimate highs for the day, and could be good trading opportunities. This also applies in a down market and to stocks in forex that gap down, opening at prices lower than where they closed the previous day. In this situation, you should not short a forex stock that has gapped down unless and until it makes a new low for the day after 10 A.M.

Using the 10 A.M. rule ensures that you will never end up chasing and buying a forex stock when your chances of making a profitable trade are low. Remember, trading is all about probabilities. The more forex stock investing trades you make with a high probability of success, the more successful you will be. The 10 A.M. rule is a valuable addition to your trading plan, giving you a straightforward way to avoid making costly mistakes and to increase your number of profitable stock investing trades in forex.
Sometimes it`s wise not to be the early bird when investing in forex, instead wait and see what the day will bring before you take action. The 10 A.M. rule is a great example of this concept, and is an example that protects your capital. Let`s say you want to buy a forex stock, for whatever reason; a trend play, or a market rally that you think a currently hot sector will participate in. You know that a great time to buy would be on a gap down, but the market is in rally mode and instead of gapping down, the forex stock gaps up. But buying the gap up is a bad trade. Now what do you do?

You use the 10 A.M. rule, and wait until after 10 A.M. for the right forex stock investing time to buy the stock. If the forex stock makes a new high for the day after 10 A.M., then, and only then, should you trade the stock. Of course, you will use stops to protect yourself, like you would on any trade.

Anyone who`s followed the market knows that a forex stock will often gap up early in the morning, only to suddenly sell off and reverse into negative territory. By following the 10 A.M. rule, you avoid the risk of this sudden reversal. If the forex stock does make it to a new high after 10 A.M., there is still trader interest in the forex stock, and it stands a good chance of gaining momentum and heading even higher.

Here is an example of the 10 A.M. rule on a gap up: A forex stock closes the day at $145. After hours, the company announces a two for one forex stock split. The next morning the forex stocks gaps up to open at $161. It trades as high as $166 before 10 A.M. For two hours after 10 A.M. it trades lower and doesn`t reach $166. At 2 P.M., it hits $166.50. The forex stock is now safe to buy, using the 10 A.M. rule.

Using a version of the 10 A.M. rule, you could watch for a hot sector to appear in the morning and follow the forex stocks in the sector that are up for the day. If the forex stocks are still making new highs at midday, they stand a good chance of finishing the day near their ultimate highs for the day, and could be good trading opportunities. This also applies in a down market and to stocks in forex that gap down, opening at prices lower than where they closed the previous day. In this situation, you should not short a forex stock that has gapped down unless and until it makes a new low for the day after 10 A.M.

Using the 10 A.M. rule ensures that you will never end up chasing and buying a forex stock when your chances of making a profitable trade are low. Remember, trading is all about probabilities. The more forex stock investing trades you make with a high probability of success, the more successful you will be. The 10 A.M. rule is a valuable addition to your trading plan, giving you a straightforward way to avoid making costly mistakes and to increase your number of profitable stock investing trades in forex.


The forex trade is something that millions of people are beginning to investigate as one of many streams of income. Many people still have not considered this option when choosing investment options, as they feel it is too risky. Well to be frank, the forex trade is a risky business, but if you know the techniques and strategies involved, you can significantly decrease your risk and start making money from forex trading.

To get started in the forex trade, the first thing you need to do is get yourself motivated, because you will spend a fair amount of time reading, learning and understanding new concepts. However, there are so many places online these days where you can get tons of information via seminars, ebooks, forums, and special offer packages.

The main part of the forex trade is to accurately guess the next exchange rate trend and then choose whether or not you can make money off of it by buying or selling. Obviously, there is much more detail involved, like how to read and analyze charts, and how to study the patterns that they produce.

With the forex trade becoming so common, it is now possible for anyone to learn the strategies and techniques, and make money. There are specific margins that you have to understand and other technical financial jargon. If you are not up for this, then you could always get a forex broker to do your investing for you. The downside of using a broker, obviously, is that you have to trust the decisions of your broker.

It is also important to understand that the methods designed to succeed in the forex trade are not fool proof. As with any investment vehicle, it is an inconsistent business where anything can happen: you might win some one day, and lose some the next. Remember no strategy or software is perfect, nor can they always predict the exact market fluctuations all of the time.
Luckily, the forex trade is so popular now that there are many resources available where you can study and improve your chances of making a successful investment. Many online sites offer free advice, and Forex themselves offer a full study guide that is great for learning at your own pace, on your own time. Every last detail of Forex is explained, as they want to make sure that new forex investors are fully educated.

The Forex trade is definitely a viable new avenue for creating a stream of income. If you are interested, make sure you research it properly before jumping right in. With all of the information out there to help you, why not make use of it to improve your chances for success?
An auto trade mini forex account uses the same trading platform as any other regular automated forex trading account. The only major difference is the account size, which is much small than a standard account. You can open up a mini forex trading account with as low as $50. Auto trade mini forex account can be a great option for you if you are a new investor in the forex trading market. Internet based auto trading has revolutionized and intensified the advantages of operating a mini forex account by many fold.

The steps you need to follow for opening an auto trade mini forex account are quite simple. First you have to select a brokerage firm that is offering their services to open an auto trade mini forex account. Fill in some personal details like your name, address, contact number, e-mail address, and the specific type of account you like to open. After filling in this online query form, you can directly open your mini account. Many agencies now accept $50 to open an auto trade forex mini account, but in an extremely volatile market as forex and because of high leverage, it is better to invest at least $2000.

There are quite a few advantages of an auto trade mini forex account. The mini accounts are perfectly suited for those who are new to the forex market. The mini accounts trade in smaller contract sizes, which gives the traders the opportunity to trade with less risk or exposure to the market. This smaller trade size also helps the trader to build confidence. As the trading is completely automated, you can experiment with the features of the trading platform and judge the efficiency of the system.

As the pip value on any mini account is just $1 per pip, you can develop a disciplined trading strategy while handling an auto mini forex account. Moreover, you learn to overcome your tendency of emotional trading, which, at times, leads to irrational trading decisions. You also learn to limit losses and decide your entry and exit points.

Auto trade mini forex account gives you more staying power in the market. This enables you to take advantages of multiple opportunities without over-leveraging your account. Most of the auto mini forex account provides user-friendly trading software. It has all the interactive and useful features of a standard rapid execution from live, streaming prices.

In some currency pairs like EUR/USD etc., a one-pip movement in the exchange rate is equal to a one dollar gain or loss in the account value per lot. Usually the auto trade mini forex account offers a spread of 3 or 5 pips on most currencies. So, open an auto mini forex account to master the art of trading before venturing into the market with high volume of investment